Exploring EMT as a novel biomarker in breast cancer
Title: Exploring EMT as a novel biomarker in breast cancer
DNr: NAISS 2025/22-103
Project Type: NAISS Small Compute
Principal Investigator: Wenyang Shi <wenyang.shi@ki.se>
Affiliation: Karolinska Institutet
Duration: 2025-03-01 – 2026-03-01
Classification: 30108


Exploring EMT as a novel biomarker in breast cancer The major goal of this aim is to screen for generic EMT markers that can be used to identify EMT in tumor tissues and plasma samples from breast cancer patients. To achieve the goal, we will use a systems biology approach to screen for genes commonly regulated during EMT in breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and lung cancer. Breast cancer tissues: Commercially available antibodies against each of the candidate EMT markers will be tested for their specificity in immunofluorescence staining. 72 anonymized tumors that have been obtained in collaboration with Irma Fredriksson (KI) will be used to perform test staining of breast cancer tissues with candidate antibodies. The project will only use nonsensitive data (eg. tissue type, tumor type). No sensitive data related to patient information will be processed or stored.