Entanglement and decoherence in ultrafast electron spectroscopy and microscopy in model molecules
Title: Entanglement and decoherence in ultrafast electron spectroscopy and microscopy in model molecules
DNr: NAISS 2024/22-1664
Project Type: NAISS Small Compute
Principal Investigator: Emil Östberg <emil.ostberg@teorfys.lu.se>
Affiliation: Lunds universitet
Duration: 2024-12-17 – 2026-01-01
Classification: 10304


The purpose of this project is to investigate theoretically entanglement formation in a model molecule following light-pulse induced electronic transitions, and the subsequent disappearance of entanglement due to decoherence effects arising from the molecule nuclear dynamics and electronic de-excitation. As a pilot study, we will study a small and simplified model molecule coupled to a discretised continuum, enabling a qualitative yet approximation-free exploration of the conceptual insights offered by various spectroscopic techniques. For example, to explore the possibility of manipulating the entanglement between the photoelectron and the Auger electron with additional fields/pulses. More specifically we will consider a model molecule that has parameters similar to those of a Beryllium dimer. Given the Beryllium dimer's low dissociation energy, our study will also examine the interplay between entanglement, Auger decay, and molecular dissociation.