Title: LiU-compute-2024-36-Storage
DNr: LiU-storage-2024-9
Project Type: LiU Storage
Principal Investigator: Fredrik Henriksson <>
Affiliation: Linköpings universitet
Duration: 2024-11-30 – 2025-10-01
Classification: 20306


Currently lacking diskspace on the compute project with the same name as this application, the team would appreciate larger allocation for file storage. Going from 500GB (soft limit) 750 GB (hard limit) to 1000 GB (soft limit) and 1500 GB (hard limit). We need the larger allocation due to increasing the number of simulations running within the project; currently the users can have 1-2 simulations maximum before having to delete but we will probably start doing 2-3 simultaneously while already pushing the limits of the current storage. A doubling of the storage should be more than sufficient, and well below the limit for a NAISS Small Storage application.