OpenIFS simulation of Lothar storm
Title: OpenIFS simulation of Lothar storm
DNr: NAISS 2024/22-1337
Project Type: NAISS Small Compute
Principal Investigator: Abdelwaheb Hannachi <>
Affiliation: Stockholms universitet
Duration: 2024-10-15 – 2025-02-01
Classification: 10501


This project is part of our master course program at the department of Meteorology of Stockholm University, MISU. The students and the assistant teacher will use the Tetralith HPC to run the OpenIFS model of the the ECMWF to simulate the Lother strom that hit central Europe in 1999. The assistant will test the model on Tetralith, and the students will modify some parameters of the forecast model and compare the result with those observed for the storm. The course starts 4 November and runs for 8 weeks.