Computational Experiments for Automatic Program Repair, Prof Monperrus, WASP/KTH
The vision of project WASP SELF-HEALING is a world where software-intensive systems are reliable despite the openness and unpredictability of the environment. Today, the best-of-breed of software engineering techniques cannot achieve both at the same time. We know how to build ultra-reliable software in stable and closed environments such as a nuclear power plant. We know how to build software that runs in ultra-open environments, such as Android mobile applications that run on millions on different ultra-heterogeneous devices. But we do not know how to achieve both in conjunction and this is a problem: most systems today, from peer-to-peer systems à la Bitcoin to autonomous transportation systems must be reliable yet evolve in a fundamentally open and unpredictable world. The goal of project WASP SELF-HEALING is to devise a conceptual, theoretical and algorithmic framework for enabling the construction of software that is reliable in open and unpredictable environments.
WASP Professor Monperrus at KTH is expert on this topic.
Automatic Software Repair: a Bibliography (Martin Monperrus), In ACM Computing Surveys, Association for Computing Machinery, volume 51, 2017.