Title: OPT-at-ATM-and-DACoD
DNr: NAISS 2024/5-280
Project Type: NAISS Medium Compute
Principal Investigator: Christiane Schmidt <christiane.schmidt@liu.se>
Affiliation: Linköpings universitet
Duration: 2024-06-01 – 2025-06-01
Classification: 20105
Homepage: https://www.itn.liu.se/~chrsc91/projects/OPT-at-ATM/index.html


In this project, we will perform computations for two projects: - OPT@ATM: Optimization Methods for Large Air Traffic Management Problems, financed by Vetenskapsrådet (https://www.itn.liu.se/~chrsc91/projects/OPT-at-ATM/index.html) - Dispatching Areas: Combinations and Design (DACoD), financed by Trafikverket (the continuation of the project Capacity Modeling and Shift Optimization for Train Dispatchers (CAPMO-Train) (https://www.itn.liu.se/~chrsc91/projects/CAPMO-Train/)) In the OPT@ATM project, we study large optimization problems stemming from air traffic management (ATM). High air traffic volumes are accompanied with high environmental impact and an increased complexity for air traffic control officers (ATC Os). If we want to alleviate this impact---which is crucial for further operation---we need to solve large planning problems optimally. These ATM optimization problems are characterised by a large set of constraints, including physical limits, legal restrictions, weather impact, and organisational procedures. The complexity only increases due to new technologies, like remote towers. While there exists an extensive toolbox for solving both large linear and (mixed) integer programs, we need to deepen the theoretical analysis of several large ATM planning problems to obtain solutions that reflect then complete real-world scenario and which, hence, can yield the desired results on environmental impact and ATC O workload. In particular, we work on the theoretical analysis of large ATM optimization problems, including reformulation of mathematical models and development of specialized algorithms; as well as (in later stages) on robust optimization for ATM problems. In the moment, we focus on the problem of computing arrival routes of aircraft. In the DACoD project, we will continue our work on shift scheduling for train dispatchers, with a focus on two specific aspects: - Each train dispatcher is qualified to work with a subset of all dispatching areas. Today, the decision on which area combination each dispatcher is qualified for is not done with respect to the shift planning or replanning. However, some combinations will allow for higher flexibility—while others will limit the planning options. Thus, we will study how the qualification structure (who is qualified for which dispatching areas) impacts the dimensioning and flexibility for the shift planning and implementation. Moreover, we will analyze the potential for improvement with optimized qualification structures. - The study of qualification structures considers the geographical dispatching areas as given, which limits the achievable planning quality. Hence, we will study how the geographical dispatching areas should be designed with respect to various requirements—both concerning the shift planning and the dispatching work. This includes the study of which requirements and objectives such a design should have and how a design impacts the dispatching work. We will develop a method to compute the best partition of a geographic area into dispatching areas and we will analyze the potential for improvement with an optimized dispatching-area design. Moreover, we will perform experiments for the last publication of the CAPMO-Train project, aiming for shift scheduling for longer periods of time.