AutoDeep: Automatic Design of Safe, High-Performance and Compact Deep Learning Models for Autonomous Vehicles
Title: AutoDeep: Automatic Design of Safe, High-Performance and Compact Deep Learning Models for Autonomous Vehicles
DNr: Berzelius-2023-171
Project Type: LiU Berzelius
Principal Investigator: Masoud Daneshtalab <>
Affiliation: Mälardalens universitet
Duration: 2023-07-10 – 2024-02-01
Classification: 10201


Deep Neural Networks (DNN) are increasingly being used to support decision-making in autonomous vehicles. While DNN holds the promise of delivering valuable results in safety-critical applications, broad adoption of DNN systems will rely heavily on how the computation-intensive DNN could be customized and deployed on the resource-limited vehicle embedded hardware platform and also how much to trust their outputs. In this project, we will develop the AutoDeep framework to design performance-efficient DNNs suitable for deployment on embedded resources-limited computing platforms while enhancing the robustness of DNN models. The mission is to strengthen Swedish industrial competence and competitiveness in the area of deep learning in the context of autonomous systems through close collaboration between academia and industry. AutoDeep can have a tangible impact on designing DL architectures for safety-critical applications and thus a successful demonstration of AutoDeep can increase Swedish industry’s market shares in ICT sectors that produce safe and high-performance embedded computing platforms for autonomous systems.