Study of spin-polarization and electronic lenses in semiconductor nanodevices
Title: Study of spin-polarization and electronic lenses in semiconductor nanodevices
DNr: NAISS 2023/22-584
Project Type: NAISS Small Compute
Principal Investigator: Iryna Yakymenko <>
Affiliation: Linköpings universitet
Duration: 2023-06-01 – 2024-06-01
Classification: 10304


This project is within the field of semiconductor spintronics that promises realization of spin-based active components for electronic circuits. The objective of the present project is to investigate spin polarization and spin-dependent transport in low-dimensional semiconductor nanosystems, such as quantum point contacts (QPCs) and quantum wires (QWs) fabricated in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. These systems exhibit wave properties of electrons that can be utilized to develop electronic components, including electron focusing devices and electronic lenses. The project, supported by the Carl Trygger Foundation for the years 2022-2024, focuses on the theoretical modeling of electron transport through an electronic lens embedded into a semiconductor heterostructure. The experimental setup consists of three QPCs, with two of them functioning as spin injectors and the third acting as a spin detector. The main aim of this research is to investigate the possibility of implementing an electronic lens within a QW with shallow confinement, using an experimentally proposed electron focusing device that incorporates an asymmetrically loaded QPC. Spin-dependent transport through this asymmetrically loaded QPC is tested by the electronic lens and the spin detector QPC.